Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Two-strand variegation baby blanket

I have to admit that I’m a lazy crafterI usually have more yarn, ideas and patterns than I have patients or time.  Therefore, anytime I can make something squishy, yummy, and cute, I’m there.  I don’t recall my first introduction to the two-stranded method of knitting/crochet, but it’s a great time saver.  I believe my first experience in a multi-strand work was in making a charity scarf.  The Three Rivers Crochet group had been given a number of yarns and not all of them were great scarf material.  However, if the novelty yarn was mixed with a regular weight yarn, a very cool item could be made for a person in need.

Several novelty yarns crocheted together.

Some more examples of how yarns were combined.

However, if you were to mix two regular weight yarns together, the result is a lovely, squishy material perfect for cuddling.  My first blanket was knit and took me some time to complete.  It was for my friend, Louis’s, newest grand-baby and I wanted to get it done quickly and creatively.  My friend is a prolific and awesome knitter/crocheted, so I needed to create something she wouldn’t do (aka something super simple).

Louis's work.  My baby blanket photo is lost...oh well.

Now I have realized I have a bunch of baby yarns gathering dust in my collection.  This is what I came up with.  Two-strand, variegated pastel strips of double-crochet.  My original plan was to sew them directly to one another as my friend Rose did.  

Diane and Rose from Three Rivers Crochet donating a blanket.

However, the colors are different enough that I’m now unsure if that’s the best method.  Ah, the pains of impulsive creativity.  I also had an idea of embroidering a simple design over the panels to unify them even more.  What should I do?

Now what?


  1. Do it the easy way...KISS...Keep it simple stupid! ;-)

  2. Well Troy, That seems to be logical but one of the great down falls of crochet (in my opinion) is it can be too simple. I need a little more spicy on this one...

  3. where can I get the pattern for that beautiful pink dress?
