Wednesday, May 25, 2011

March for Babies - March of Dimes in Pittsburgh, PA May 22nd.

This was my first year and through donations and a raffle I raise $163.

Thanks to everyone who helped!

Here I am walking through PNC park

There were so many folks there. It was really moving for me to see the family groups (the bulk of the walkers, I believe). They had tee shirts and banners commemorating the little ones who didn't make it. Then there were those miracle babies who did. There were so many kiddies being pushed in strollers or joining in and walking themselves, too. :)

I met Steve and several others from UPMC Health Plan (where I work as of January this year). It was a great feeling to be united for this cause.

A few of the many folks from work and their friends who joined our group.

The mascot for the Children's Hospital NICU unit. Such a cutey!